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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Training at the Beach!!

Summertime usually brings a few vacations if you're lucky. I was able to spend the past week vacationing with friends at the beach. Its always nice to get out of the city and just relax. However, its not as easy to keep up with your training while "away". I was disciplined this time and stuck to my schedule. The initial run at the beach was a 6 mile run. This was probably the most difficult due to the weather. Anyone on the east coast can probably empathize with me on this one. Even running at night next to the ocean was just plain difficult. The air was so thick, you could hardly breathe. The next run, a short 3 miler wasn't too bad as the humidity eased up a bit. Running along the beach provided my legs with a nice soft surface. A very nice break from the concrete and roads while training in Boston. It was also calming to run along hearing the waves crashing and smelling the salt water of the ocean. My long run for this training cycle was only 7 miles, a step back week. Instead of running on the beach, I decided to run along the streets and explore the shops and scenery of the beach town I was visiting. Running at sunset was pretty amazing. The sunset was so picturesque, I actually stopped for a minute to take it all in. I wish I had a camera with me to show you all just how beautiful it was. Instead I'll have to leave you with a similar photo I found online. Until next time!

P.S. Don't forget to donate to the American Cancer Society, I still have a ways to go to reach my $1,000 goal!!

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