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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Training while Packing

One of the most difficult parts of training for a marathon is trying to keep up with all of the "other things" life tosses your way. This weekends long run was a bit difficult as I spent most of the weekend packing up my apartment. I'm moving into a new apartment tomorrow. Although I only had to do a 13 mile run today, my energy level was pretty low. Packing up an entire apartment takes a lot of time and energy. Afterwards, I'd usually spend the entire day relaxing on the couch. Today I'm sucking it up and continuing with the packing of boxes. Days like this I remind myself that I'm lucky to even be able to train for a marathon. There are others out there who may not be healthy enough.

Don't forget to check out my personal fundraising page for the American Cancer Society:

Until next time,


Sunday, August 22, 2010

18 Miles with Meg!!

Today I ran 18 miles with my friend Meg who is also training for the Chicago Marathon. Check out her blog here: This is the longest distance I've conquered thus far in my training. I usually train solo, but having Meg along helped a ton. When you're running 3 hours straight without music, having a buddy along the way can help pass time. Meg and I haven't talked in a while, so our 3 mile run was a nice time to catch up. Everything went well for the most part. We planned different loops around the Charles so that we'd have multiple chances to refill our fuel belts with water. It was also helpful having a partner, as those last few miles got a bit rough. Hearing that "we're almost there" and "we can do it" can go a long way when you're ready to stop and walk. Looking forward to running my 20 miler with Meg in a few weeks. That will be the longest distance in the training program. My legs are sore, hoping they'll recover for my next run in a few days.

The marathon is only 49 days away. Check out a photo of the beginning of last years race. I can't wait to join the sea of other athletes!!

Don't forget to check out my fundraising page for the American Cancer Society, every dollar helps!!

Until next time,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lost in the Woods

"Lost in the Woods"....sounds like the title of a scary movie or something. This week it applies to my 15 mile run I tried to tackle! I left my apartment early this morning in an attempt to beat the heat and try out a new route along the Charles. My usual routes never really go past the J.F.K St bridge, but this week I planned to go out towards the Mt. Auburn St bridge in Watertown. Everything seemed to be going as planned until I reached around mile 9. The area along the Charles river near Watertown is pretty much new territory for me. I ran with a fuel belt filled with H2O and Gatorade, but with the heat steadily increasing early in the morning, I seemed to start to run a little low. Usually there are water fountains along the Charles I can depend on to rehydrate. This time to my surprise there were none! So that was the first downfall in my run for the day. Then I went on to get lost while trying to find the Mt. Auburn St bridge. I somehow got off course, and ended up turning around and crossing over the river at the N. Beacon St. Bridge. This "lost in translation" probably added about 2 miles to my 15 mile run. So not only was I lost, and running in unchartered territory, but I was also completely out of fluids. It was extremely hot, and for one of the first times during my training runs, I was plain frustrated!! Running is a very mental game, and when you lose your focus, its very difficult to get back on track. Getting lost turned a normal training run into a miserable voyage back to my apartment. My only goal at that point was to make it back home, hopefully passing a water fountain on the way. I'll even admit that I even walked part of the way, something I usually try not to do unless stopping at an intersection! I guess all of my runs can't be "perfect". A definite lesson learned from this one, always plan for the unexpected, and don't let getting lost get you down! After getting back to my apartment and stretching at a nearby park, I went out for some food with a buddy to rant and refuel.

Hopefully next week's long run will be a bit more pleasurable!

Until next time,

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tackling the Back Cove

This week my midweek runs have reached 7 miles. Its awesome that 7 miles no longer feels difficult at all to tackle. Although only a minor portion of the 26, its still great to feel like running 7 miles is a short run for me. I still recall the days when even tackling a mile was a breather! It feels good to consistently see progress. I'm truly a believer that anyone can make the same progress with CONSISTENT training. Your body is an amazing being that adapts like no other! Ok enough of that rant, this weeks 7 mile run allowed me to tackle the Back Cove Trail in Portland. The "locals" have raved about this trail, and I was happy to finally see what it was all about. The Eastern Promenade Trail in front of our work hotel connects to the Back Cove making for a little over 7 miles. So yesterday morning I woke up early before checking out to get in my run. Although it was raining a bit, the run was pretty pleasant. I think the odd part was running under an underpass where the two trails connect! It was also great that the Back Cove had multiple water fountains along the trail, making for a nicely hydrated run. After my run was over, I stopped in the hotel lobby to pick up some breakfast to "refuel". I'm starting to realize now how important fueling and refueling really is as the miles increase. Although its kind of hard to keep up with the calories, I can tell that my appetite has increased drastically, and that I'm always hungry! I'm sure anyone out there training for a marathon feels my pain. I guess I'll have to increase the amount of cliff bars and protein shakes I take in during the day.

Well thats all for now. Until next time!

Also don't forget to donate to the American Cancer Society and help me reach my $1,000 goal!!